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Course Category: Understanding Addiction

Showing 1–20 of 60 courses


Problematic Opioid Use Among Older Adults  New 1 credit

Epidemiology, Adverse Outcomes and Treatment Considerations

This article summarizes research on older adults affected by problematic opioid use, with both illicit and prescription opioids. It outlines adverse effects, risk factors, as well as available treatment options....  Read More

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Risky Drinking in Adolescents and Emerging Adults  New 1 credit

Differences Among Individuals Using Alcohol Only versus Polysubstance Use

The article investigates how various factors such as motives, protective behavioral strategies, and mental health symptoms differ among youth engaged in risky drinking. This study compares individuals who consume only...  Read More

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This study, titled "Reconsidering the roots, structure, and implications of gambling motives: An integrative approach," examines the multifaceted motives driving gambling behaviors among regular and disordered gamblers. Using a data-driven...  Read More

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The article explores the processes of addiction substitution and concurrent recovery among individuals recovering from gambling disorder. Through a mixed-method study involving semi-structured interviews with 185 participants, the study examines...  Read More

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The article provides an in-depth analysis of factors influencing gambling behavior among older adults. Through a scoping review of existing literature, the authors aim to identify the individual, socio-cultural, environmental,...  Read More

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Reading-Based Online
The article explores an integrative approach to treating addiction by using Schema Therapy (ST). The article proposes that addictive disorders are best addressed by treating them alongside comorbid conditions such...  Read More

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This article presents an in-depth exploration of substance use treatment for individuals experiencing homelessness, highlighting the complex interplay between addiction, mental health, and the lack of stable housing. It reviews...  Read More

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The Role of Attachment in Poly-Drug Use Disorder: 1.5 credits

An Overview of the Literature, Recent Findings and Clinical Implications

This intermediate and advanced-level course is designed for addiction professionals looking to expand their knowledge of substance use disorder (SUD) treatment. The course offers an in-depth exploration of the latest...  Read More

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Structural Racism and Reflections from Latinx Heavy Drinkers: 1.25 credits

Impact on Mental Health and Alcohol Use

The article "Structural Racism and Reflections from Latinx Heavy Drinkers: Impact on Mental Health and Alcohol Use" explores the relationship between structural racism and its effects on mental health and...  Read More

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The study investigated the mental health impacts of tobacco and cannabis use among 53,843 US adults. Data were collected via online surveys from 2020 to 2022, focusing on four groups:...  Read More

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This study investigates the roles of stress, cognitive function, and emotional (affective) responses as mechanisms contributing to opioid misuse in individuals with a history of interpersonal trauma, such as intimate...  Read More

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The article examines how negative reinforcement mechanisms contribute to methamphetamine use disorder. It reviews evidence from subjective experience, behavioral studies, neuroimaging, and event-related potentials to understand the processes that maintain...  Read More

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This review explores the pathways linking child maltreatment to the development of substance use and Substance Use Disorder (SUD) using a developmental psychopathology framework. It outlines various vulnerabilities associated with...  Read More

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This course examines a model that works across the lifespan for preventing high-risk substance use, the Lifestyle Risk Reduction Model. It includes: The Lifestyle Risk Reduction Model as an Exemplar...  Read More

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The health risks of smoking are clear, and market and regulatory efforts have led to the rise of smokeless, heated, and vaping nicotine products. Since smoking-related diseases are caused by...  Read More

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Addiction and Autonomy: 1.75 credits

Why emotional dysregulation in additional impairs autonomy and why it matters

This article explores the relationship between addiction, emotional dysregulation, and autonomy. It challenges the prevailing view that addiction impairs autonomy only when addicts consume drugs against their will. Instead, it...  Read More

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This article addresses the emerging public health crisis of alcohol misuse and Alcohol Use Disorder (AUD) in the United States, focusing on recent increases in binge drinking, heavy drinking, and...  Read More

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The effects of addiction on families are typically included in addiction courses, less so effects on children. This presentation teaches how one out of 4 children are affected by trauma...  Read More

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A Developmental Model of Addictions: 1 credit

Integrating neurobiological and psychodynamic theories through the lens of attachment

The article presents a comprehensive review that seeks to bridge neurobiological and psychodynamic perspectives on addiction, particularly through the lens of attachment theory. The authors discuss how neurobiological changes resulting...  Read More

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The article provides an in-depth exploration of various neurobiological models that explain the mechanisms underlying addiction. Authored by Carmen Ferrer-Pérez, Sandra Montagud-Romero, and María Carmen Blanco-Gandía, the review traces the...  Read More

No Cost Materials

Reading-Based Online

Showing 1–20 of 60 courses

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