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Somatic Therapeutic Tools: Unlocking the Neurobiology of Trauma and Awakening Our Body’s Innate Wisdom to Care for Itself

About the Course

Somatic and body-centered therapies are highly effective systems for working with mental, physical and emotional health from a holistic perspective. These cutting-edge methods support long-lasting change to behavioral health and well-being. With knowledge of how to track and map the nervous system, tools can be applied effectively to support ourselves and our clients with self-regulation and healing underlying patterns of distress. This presentation will introduce somatic therapy as a critical tool for working with patients with complex trauma. We will explore the neurophysiology behind why somatic therapies work and introduce experientially the tools that are highly effective in working with clients in a mental health context.

Participants will learn through didactic lecture, guided experiential exercises and will leave the presentation with tools they can begin incorporating into their own lives and professional practices immediately.

This course is based on the recorded webinar, Somatic Therapeutic Tools: Unlocking the Neurobiology of Trauma and Awakening Our Body’s Innate Wisdom to Care for Itself created by Livia Adia Budrys, AM, LCSW, C-IAYT, SEP in 2022.

Publication Date

1st Edition Nov 2022

Course Material Author

Livia Adia Budrys, AM, LCSW, C-IAYT, SEP, course creator

Livia is a psychotherapist, social worker, yoga therapist, Somatic Experiencing Practitioner, and spiritual activist. She is the founder of the Yoga-Informed Model and is an advocate of the shift in this paradigm towards greater understanding and integration of yoga and psychology. She implemented one of the first yoga therapy programs for mental health treatment in a nationally renowned residential treatment center. There she developed a trainee program to develop the next generation of psychotherapists to weave yoga into their treatment of complex mental health conditions and trauma. Today she works to educate healthcare organizations and presents and lectures nationally on the benefits of yoga for mental health and has implemented therapeutic programs, trainings and protocols that utilizes the Yoga-Informed model. She has enjoyed several clinical leadership roles in inpatient settings, most recently as Director of Trauma-Informed Care at a national treatment center - always with her hope to serve clients while supporting the system’s greater capacity for sustainable wellbeing.

Recommended For

Counselors, marriage and family therapists, psychologists and social workers. This course is appropriate for all levels of knowledge.

Course Objectives:

After taking this course, you should be able to:

  1. Describe how trauma and adversity impacts the mind, body and nervous system.
  2. List the tools of somatic therapy for stabilizing the nervous system and improving a felt sense of wellbeing in patients with trauma.
  3. Explain mapping the nervous system using the polyvagal theory and how to apply that with clients.
  4. Develop an embodied professional self and new tools to reduce burnout.
  5. Discuss why these “bottom-up” approaches for working with patients with trauma are essential components of treatment.


This course is available starting Dec 22nd, 2022 and expires Jan 4th, 2032

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CE Learning Systems adheres to the ACCME's Standards for Integrity and Independence in Accredited Continuing Medical Education. Any individuals in a position to control the content of a CE activity – including faculty, planners, reviewers, or others ― are required to disclose all relevant financial relationships with ineligible entities (formerly known as commercial interests).

The following relevant financial relationships have been disclosed by this activity's planners, faculty, and the reviewer:

Planners and Reviewers

The planners of this activity have reported that they have no relevant financial relationships.

Material Authors

There are no known relevant financial relationships to disclose.

Course Creator

Livia Adia Budrys, AM, LCSW, C-IAYT, SEP – She receives recording royalties for this presentation.

Commercial support

There is no commercial support for this distance-learning course.

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Course Number 103256
3 CE credit hours
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  • Recorded Webinar
Exam Fee $17.91
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Course Materials $30.00

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