Showing 1–20 of 27 courses
Reasons for Suicide in Black Young Adults: New 1.5 credits
A Latent Class Analysis
No Cost Materials
No Cost Materials
Suicide and Gambling Disorder 1.5 credits
Cognitive-Behavioral Strategies in Crisis Intervention 20 credits
Fourth Edition
Material Cost $62
Attempted Suicide in American Indian and Alaska Native Populations: 1.5 credits
A Systematic Review of Research on Protective Factors
No Cost Materials
Suicide Interventions for American Indian and Alaska Native Populations: A Systematic Review of Outcomes 1.25 credits
No Cost Materials
No Cost Materials
Minority Stress, Distress, and Suicide Attempts 1.5 credits
Three Cohorts of Sexual Minority Adults: a U.S. Probability Sample
No Cost Materials
Brief Online Interventions for LGBTQ Young Adult Mental and Behavioral Health 1.5 credits
A Randomized Controlled Trial in a High-Stigma, Low-Resource Context
No Cost Materials
Effective Brief Interventions for American Indian Youth At Risk for Suicide 1 credit
Evaluating the Impact with a Sequential Multiple Assignment Randomized Trial (SMART)
No Cost Materials
The Qasgiq Model As an Indigenous Intervention: 1 credit
Using the Cultural Logic of Context to Build Protective Factors for Alaska Native Suicide and Alcohol Misuse Prevention
No Cost Materials
No Cost Materials
Material Cost $38
No Cost Materials
No Cost Materials
No Cost Materials
No Cost Materials
Showing 1–20 of 27 courses