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Course Topic: Older Adults

Showing 1–20 of 37 courses

Mental and Behavioral Health Professionals throughout the United States are mandated reporters of suspected child maltreatment, and are often required to report concerns for intimate partner violence and/or elder abuse,...  Read More

Material Cost $30 free with Unlimited CE Membership Learn More

Reading-Based Online
The article evaluates the utility of the Problem Gambling Severity Index (PGSI) when applied to older adults. Using a Rasch model approach, the study analyzes data from older adults to...  Read More

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The article provides an in-depth analysis of factors influencing gambling behavior among older adults. Through a scoping review of existing literature, the authors aim to identify the individual, socio-cultural, environmental,...  Read More

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This article focuses on addressing the opioid overdose crisis in Oconee County, a rural area in northwest South Carolina. The research investigates demographic and attitudinal factors influencing community support for...  Read More

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Reading-Based Online
Cognitive dysfunction, primarily involving impairments in executive function, visuospatial function and memory, is one of the most common non-motor symptoms of Parkinson’s disease (PD). Currently, the only pharmacological treatments available...  Read More

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Reading-Based Online
Subjective cognitive decline (SCD) is defined as self-experienced, persistent concerns of decline in cognitive capacity in the context of normal performance on objective cognitive measures. Although SCD was initially thought...  Read More

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Reading-Based Online
Assertive Community Treatment (ACT) is an evidence-based service model designed to provide comprehensive, community-based support for individuals with severe mental illness. This article reviews ACT principles, examines contemporary issues impacting...  Read More

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Reading-Based Online

Overall and Sex-specific Risk Factors for Subjective Cognitive Decline 1 credit

Findings from the 2015–2018 Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System Survey

Prior research indicates that at least 35% of Alzheimer’s disease and related dementia risk may be amenable to prevention. Subjective cognitive decline is often the first indication of preclinical dementia,...  Read More

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Reading-Based Online

Promoting Successful Cognitive Aging 3.25 credits

A Ten-Year Update

This course provides an update to the comprehensive review that was published in the Journal of Alzheimer's Disease in 2010. It provides a review of the evidence for several recommendations...  Read More

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This review catalogues and assesses tools used to evaluated mild cognitive delay in healthy elderly populations. The authors advocated additional research to address identified gaps in the literature to facilitate...  Read More

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This study aims to compare trajectories of prescribed opioid doses in six months preceding an incident of opioid related adverse events (ORAE), for cases and for a matched control group...  Read More

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Reading-Based Online
The purpose of this scoping review is to investigate the value of creative arts therapies in healthy older adults. This article aims to shed light on current knowledge concerning the...  Read More

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Reading-Based Online
Individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD) are often forgotten when it comes to conversation, planning, and services in adulthood. COVID-19 provided a wakeup call for professionals, family caregivers, and...  Read More

Material Cost $30 free with Unlimited CE Membership Learn More

Recorded Webinar
Older age and medical comorbidity are factors associated with more severe illness and risk of death due to COVID-19 infection. Social distancing is an important public health strategy for controlling...  Read More

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Reading-Based Online
The objective of the current study is to evaluate PEARLS effectiveness for increasing social connectedness among underserved older adults with depression. The study addresses the following three questions: 1. What...  Read More

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The American Psychological Association developed this clinical practice guideline to provide recommendations for the treatment of depressive disorders (including major depression, subsyndromal depression, and persistent depressive disorder). It addresses three...  Read More

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Psychiatric Disorders Among Older Black Americans 1.5 credits

Within- and Between-Group Differences

Psychiatric disorders impose significant personal, social, and financial costs for individuals, families, and the nation. Despite a large amount of research and several journals focused on psychiatric conditions, there is...  Read More

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Reading-Based Online

Violence Against Older Women 3 credits

A systematic review of qualitative literature

This course explores the nature and dynamics of interpersonal violence (IPV) against older women from their perspective. The researchers conducted a systematic review of qualitative literature. Central themes include the...  Read More

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Reading-Based Online
Depression and dementia are common incapacitating diseases in old age. The exact nature of the relationship between these conditions remains unclear, and multiple explanations have been suggested: depressive symptoms may...  Read More

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Reading-Based Online

Screening for Cognitive Impairment in Older Adults: 3.75 credits

An Evidence Update for the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force

This research intensive course is based on a review that addressed the direct evidence on the benefits and harms of screening for cognitive impairment versus no screening, the test accuracy...  Read More

No Cost Materials

Reading-Based Online

Showing 1–20 of 37 courses

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